
Scroungers is a singles game played at 9.00 am Sunday morning by the ladies and men. It´s good practice and a great way to learn the basis of bowling draw (close) bowls. The cost is $10 per game.

Present your disc to the organizer at the table near the bar. The draw will be shown on the board outside the Match office at 9.30am.

In scroungers only three bowls are used. Points are awarded for the three bowls closest to the Jack – 3 Points closest, 2 points second, 1 for third.

There is no score sheet as such. Scores are recorded directly onto the scoreboard. If you haven´t scored on an end you will be expected to stay at the mat end to set up the Jack for the next end.

The first on the mat will indicate which way he intends to bowl and you will walk up to the mat on the other hand. Sixteen ends are played.

The winner takes their discs off the board and puts them in the box beneath in the order of who won their rink.

Everyone retires to the bar.

The second round all the winners play each other, second place play each other etc. This round is four ends. The final round is over two ends. Scroungers is a great way to learn bowls and meet other bowlers.